Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Authorize Interview

I seem to have stumbled upon an interview with Micke from Authorize (Sweden) that was scanned from a magazine. I don't remember where I got this, or what magazine or year it is from. There also seems to be interviews with Bard, Bestial Warlust, Beherit, Blasphemy, Varg Vikernes among others but almost all of them are too low quality to be read.

If anyone has information on where this came from please contact me.


Lacerator - Fetal Dismemberment

Death metal, United Kingdom, 1994

Excellent death metal from the U.K. band Lacerator.
  1. Tomb Grinder
  2. Eat the Decay
  3. Drowning in Pus
  4. Toxic Death
  5. Penetrating the Fetid
  6. Pus Ridden Corpse

Sorcery - Rivers of the Dead

Death metal, Sweden, 1990

Unrelentless Swedish death metal with raspy vocals and deep growls with brief keyboard leads. Short demo but lots crammed in.
  1. Rivers of the Dead
  2. The Rite of Sacrifice